Sunday, January 25, 2009
Later that day I recalled my previous blog post quoting President Obama quoting scripture..."it is time to set aside childish things." I realized that remarks like that are the childish things…judgments, criticisms, ridicule, belittling, blame, etc. They do nothing to empower and everything to sap energy.
I received a powerful reminder this week of the power of the word. One I won't forget soon.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Time to set aside childish things...
President Barack Obama
It's been an awesome day. An unforgettable one. I am grateful for the freedom to speak, the freedom to vote, the freedom to watch our country change political power in peace, harmony and joy.
It's been an amazing day.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I'm a Tree Hugger
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Walking is a Spiritual Necessity
One day I realized that I only went out to run errands. I avoided going out for any length of time. I missed fresh air, my brisk walk, my spiritual ritual. One day last week I suited up with rain gear and boots, scarf and gloves and ventured out for an early morning walk. It felt glorious. Our beautiful neighborhood was even more spectacular. The walk felt invigorating.
Fresh air is freedom, joy, beauty and a spiritual necessity.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
One Small Step
A client wants to be more connected to her spiritual practice but she can’t seem to do what it takes to get her practice done. Is it motivation, resistance or fear?
I’ve talked with dozens of people that want something new in life but cannot move forward. They don’t seem to be able to take the steps needed.
Then we suffer. We get upset with ourselves because we haven’t done what we want or achieved the results we want. We judge, criticize, berate and just plain make ourselves wrong. We live in pain.
There is a Japanese technique of achieving great and lasting success through taking small, steady steps called The Kaizen Way. When we achieve one small step, we experience accomplishment! Then take another and another. Each step brings us to the direction we desire.
How do we stop judging ourselves? It takes practice. My favorite technique is to say “That’s interesting’ no matter what happens. I'm still practicing....