Sunday, March 22, 2009

More lessons!

It's all about attachment. When talking with a client this week, she had the realization that in living a faith-based life, the difference between expectancy and expectation is attachment. Expectancy is about looking for the good in life while expectation is often hoping that what we want will show up. Hoping is about waiting while faith encourages patience.

Another way of saying it is that expectation comes from the mind and expectancy comes from the soul. If I let go of attachment, I open up the realm of opportunity. The more attached I am, the more restricted life seems to be.

I think this is one of the more difficult life lessons. I have not been feeling well since I got back from Israel. My expectation is that this virus should be over by now. So every day it is not better, I become more impatient. If I choose to have an expectancy of feeling better, I am not attached to time line or conditions but maybe would appreciate the opportunity to slowdown. That would be much easier than listening to all the whining going on. Now if I will only listen to my own advice…

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Developing Faith

In our class we are exploring how to live a faith-based life. There is no right or wrong way to develop faith. We build faith in ourselves when we are willing to step out of our comfort zone. Every time we step out we become more confident, have more clarity.

Spiritual faith is knowing that we don't walk this journey alone. When we turn our awareness to God we know something greater is supporting us in our efforts and on our journey. As we develop the awareness of something greater than ourselves, we see more dramatic results.

Life can be so challenging. It can shake our faith on a daily basis. I know the more grounded I am in faith, I can meet the challenges that show up. Everyone faces doubt or confusion.

I am truly grateful for my awareness of faith, God's Love and the extraordinary blessings in my life.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Good News

A day after my blog about the news, I heard that NBC heard from so many people about negative stories that they are airing Making a Difference that will highlight positive stories from listeners. Great news!

Also I came across a blog from The Huffington Post about visualization. It's a great reminder that we have the power visualize what we want and to stop visualizing all the stuff we don't want to happen.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Choosing faith over fear

One of the most frequently asked questions about my trip has been: "Did you feel safe?" I admit it was a concern I pondered myself before I left. I am so grateful that I stepped out in faith and made this remarkable journey. Our group was traveling with 206 Tours which is a very reputable company. We had a wonderful guide and driver that took us to amazing sites. Friends and family are often surprised to hear about the beautiful countryside, the stunning seacoast and the bustling cities.

We have technology that provides news from around the world as it happens. What is unfortunate is that we only learn the bad news. We seldom hear about the positive things happening. The news media is a business and unfortunately it is not in the business of educating or providing a complete picture. Wouldn't it be great if when we are shown bombing in the Gaza Strip, we also see a class in Jerusalem on a field trip, or farming on the kibbutz or pilgrims praying at the Mount of Beatitudes.

The same goes for our own country. We are told minute by minute how many people are without homes, jobs, food and health care. We don't hear about the shared housing program that matches people needing a place to live with a family that doesn't want to lose their home. We don't hear about students making a difference in their community.

I am grateful that I was able to move past my fear and take steps in faith. I am making it my intention to share the 'other' side of the news. News that reminds us of the possibilities.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Class: Living by Faith

There is no secret mantra or magic formula to faith. It is a process of willingness, surrender and practice. Faith reveals freedom, peace of mind and an expansion of life.
Israel is a place of faith, conflict, peace and separation. It is also a consciousness that lives within us. Join us as we deepen our understanding of the outer and inner experience of Israel and as we take the opportunity to deepen our practice together.

Date: March 9, 16, 23, 2009 (Monday)
Time: 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Fee: $60
Location: SW Portland – call for location

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Divine Love

The presence of the Mary's love was so prevalent everywhere we went. The churches protrayed such a beautiful representations of her. As I was releasing my beliefs that keep me from loving myself and others, it was extraordinary to feel her presence. I saw how often my self-judgment keeps me small and limited from the abundant Good that God has to offer. My intention is to not forget this powerful message.